7 Easy Ways to Decorate a Betta Fish Tank – What Your Finny Friend Likes

Every betta fish needs a tank to call their own. It doesn’t need to be huge, but they do appreciate some decorations in their home! You can decorate your betta’s tank with plants, rocks, and other water-safe items. They also love to have things in their tank that they can hide behind, like plants or […]

Can Betta Fish Survive In Tap Water?

The answer is no. They cannot survive in tap water because of the chlorine and other chemicals that are found in tap water. You will need to treat the water before putting your fish into it. There are several different ways of doing this, some more effective than others. By the end of this article […]

Betta Fish Ich: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What Is Ick/Ich? Ich, also known as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, is a parasitic disease caused by the ciliated protozoan ichthyophthirius. Fish with this disease develop white spots all over their body and fins. In severe cases, betta fish can die from ick. Betta fish are commonly infected with ich because it is easily transferred between tanks […]

My Betta Fish Is Sick, What Do I Do?

If you own a Betta fish, chances are that sooner or later your betta will become sick. The first thing you should do is to try to treat your betta yourself. Here are some steps on treating sick bettas. Steps to Treat a Sick Betta Fish Preparing for Disease Treatment Before treating your sick betta, […]

Betta Fish Fin Rot: Symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

What is fin rot? Fin rot is the term used to describe tissue deterioration on the fins of fish. It can cause large parts of the fins to detach, making it what is commonly known as ‘rotting away’. If these symptoms are not recognised and treated quickly, fin rot will continue to spread throughout the […]

Java Fern: Complete Guide

Java Fern is a decorative aquatic plant that grows well in swimming pool tanks, garden ponds, and any other aquariums. It can be grown emersed or submersed, though the latter is preferred. The bottom of the leaves attach to rocks, driftwood or even bogwood through long rhizomes which primarily grow underground. Java Fern Facts & […]

Blue Veiltail Betta Fish: Care Guide, Lifespan & More

The blue veiltail betta is one of the most sought after varieties among all types of bettas. Even non-bettafish enthusiasts cannot resist this gorgeous variety, which they are often taken aback by its beauty and splendor. Bettas are an incredibly popular tropical fish found in aquariums around the world. The blue veiltail betta fish is […]

The Best Plants For Betta Fish

Plants for Betta Fish: Betta fish are commonly the kind of happy and cheerful fish. They thrive in habitats with large pools of water, rich with vegetation. Their ideal home would be the size of a paddy field filled with water and a wide variety of aquarium plants for bettas, usually kind of soft and […]

Best Filter for Betta Fish

Want to take the best care of your Betta? Consider buying a small fish tank filter. And, yes, its true Bettas can survive without a filter system. But, just because they can doesn’t mean they have to! A filter for Betta fish tank can make all the difference in the world.  Besides, there are certain […]

Types of Betta Fish: 2023 Ultimate Guide

The Betta fish (also known as a Siamese fighting fish) is one of the most popular freshwater fish in the world. There are many varieties of fish. They are beautiful little fishes with gorgeous colors and are known for their beautiful tails and fins. It derives its name from the word “Bettah,” which was an […]